[00:00.510] we could let go of our past (我们可以放下过去) [00:02.950] and drive away (然后远走高飞) [00:05.160] just let me know;i'll pack my bags (请让我知道 我会背上行囊) [00:08.039] by the end of the day (当一天迎来终点) [00:10.500] you know iwouldn't have it (你知道我不会拥有其他) [00:12.960] any other way, oh (无论以任何方式) [00:15.570] so let me stay right by your side (所以让我留在你身边) [00:18.210] we could leave it all behind (我们可以将一切置于脑后) [00:20.730] we could let go of our past (我们可以放下昔日的惆怅) [00:23.070] and drive away (然后远走高飞) [00:25.590] just let me know;i'll pack my bags (请让我知道 我会背上行囊) [00:28.410] by the end of the day, oh (当一天迎来终点) [00:30.810] you know iwouldn't have it (你知道我不会拥有其他) [00:33.780] any other way, oh (无论以任何方式) [00:35.760] so let me stay right by your side (所以让我伴君侧) [00:38.430] we could leave it all behind (我们可以将一切置于脑后) [00:42.000] time flies when we out together like, (当我们一起外出 时光飞逝) [00:43.830]" damn i really wish tonight could last forever" (“呜呜 我真希望今晚能永远持续”) [00:46.320] but i guesswe'll make it a night that we can (但我猜我们会度过一个夜晚) [00:48.000] never forget, regardless, whenyou're gone (当你离开 永远不要忘记) [00:50.130]you're still here in my memories (你仍在我的记忆深处) [00:52.080] heard your last man was wack; i could never be (听说你最后的男人是个怪人 而我永远不会) [00:54.480] these other lamescouldn't ever match your energy (其他人永远无法与你相匹) [00:57.090] and i could tell everybody really jealous, see (我可以告诉每个嫉妒的人) [00:59.580] you look so good i had to take a picture mentally (你完美无瑕 我为你留影于心) [01:02.700] andit's the way that you smile (你笑起来真好看) [01:04.800]i'm sure you noticed thati've been digging your style (想必你注意到 我在研究你的风格) [01:06.630] and i heardit's been a minute since you last went out (听说你出去也有一会了) [01:08.970] so if you ever wanna leavewe'll disappear without a sound, ay (所以如果你想离开 我们将会一起无声地离开) [01:12.810] andit's the way that you smile (你笑起来真好看) [01:14.910]i'm sure you noticed thati've been digging your style (想必你注意到 我在挖掘你的风格) [01:16.800] and i heardit's been a minute since you last went out (听说你出去也有一会了) [01:19.050] so let me know, i could go and show you around (那就让我知道 我可以带你兜风) [01:21.720] we could let go of our past (我们可以放下过去) [01:23.700] and drive away (然后远走高飞) [01:26.160] just let me know;i'll pack my bags (请让我知道 我会背上行囊) [01:28.650] by the end of the day (当一天迎来终点) [01:31.410] you know iwouldn't have it (你知道我不会拥有其他) [01:33.390] any other way, oh (无论以任何方式) [01:36.390] so let me stay right by your side (所以让我伴你身旁) [01:39.060] we could leave it all behind (我们可以把一切置于脑后) [01:41.580] we could let go of our past (我们可以放下昔日怅惘) [01:43.920] and drive away (然后远走高飞) [01:46.440] just let me know;i'll pack my bags (请让我知道 我会背上行囊) [01:49.260] by the end of the day, oh (当一天迎来重点) [01:51.720] you know iwouldn't have it (你知道我不会拥有其他) [01:53.610] any other way, oh (无论以任何方式) [01:56.610] so let me stay right by your side (所以让我留在你身边) [01:59.280] we could leave it all behind (我们可以把一切置于脑后) [02:02.420] just the two of us (我们俩) [02:05.310] is more than enough (足矣) [02:07.890]i'll always put you above (你是我的最优选) [02:11.360] everything you need (你所渴望获得的一切) [02:13.540] i got it covered (我都会帮你实现) [02:15.510] to make it through the summer (度过整个夏天) [02:18.120]i'll show you different colors (我会向你展示不同的色彩) [02:20.470]there'll never be another you... (你永远是我的唯一) [02:22.250]we could let go of our past (我们可以放下过去) [02:24.200]and drive away (然后远走高飞) [02:27.080]just let me know; i'll pack my bags (请让我知道 我会背上行囊) [02:29.310]by the end of the day (于繁星点点之时) [02:31.920]you know i wouldn't have it (你知道我不会拥有其他) [02:34.180]any other way, oh (无论以任何方式) [02:36.870]so let me stay right by your side (所以让我伴君侧) [02:39.410]we could leave it all behind (我们可以将一切置于脑后)